Thursday, December 17, 2009

Satchel Paige Images and Biography

Leroy Robert "Satchel" Paige (July 7, 1906 – June 8, 1982) was an American baseball player whose pitching in the Negro leagues and in Major League Baseball made him a legend in his own lifetime. He was elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1971, the first player to be inducted from the Negro leagues.

Funny that the only time our knees bend before Him is when we need Him the most. Whenever we are in despair. Whenever we experience great sadness. Whenever we are at our weakest. It would appear that this is the only time we call upon his name. Ironically, it is the time when life is flowing perfectly where we should be praying the most. Prayer should not be exclusive to talking to the Lord when time are bad. Prayer is about developing a profound and meaningful relationship with our Lord.

Actually communicating and holding conversation with Him. I mean, do you only speak to your friends when you need something? Your parents? Your spouse. I certainly hope not. Neither should you speak to the Lord when you need something. I am not saying don't call His name when you are in need. No. Not at all. Rather, your communication should be with him ALL the time. Good times and bad times. Demonstrate gratitude and praise even during tribulation as well as prosperity. Thank Him for all the things that are going right in your life. Be thankful for your job. Be thankful for your marriage. Be thankful for your home. And if those things are not on your list to be thankful for, I am sure you can think of something. Don't let me hold you up. I am sure you have someone important to talk to.

Satchel Paige
satchel paige
satchel paige
satchel paigeAbove,
Chief Bender shows of his pitch.
Christy+MathewsonChristy Mathewson's right hand helped win a World Series for the Giants in 1905. (above)

Eddie PlankAbove is the hand of
Eddie Plank gripping a Basball.

Frank BakerSlugger Frank "Home Run" Baker put fear into minds of Major League pitchers with his hands. (above)
Satchel PaigeThe great Satchel Paige shows off his screwball above.

paige satche
paige satche

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